
Rutgers School of Social Work Faculty Receive Grant to Support Substance Misuse Prevention Workforce
Dr. Kristen Gilmore Powell (PI/PD), along with Drs. N. Andrew Peterson (Co-PI/Co-PD), and Cory Morton (Co-I), were awarded $739,529 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) through a five-year grant (total award amount $3,697,645) for their project, Continuing Prevention Workforce Development through the Northeast and Caribbean Prevention Technology Transfer Center.

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, Rutgers Center for Research on Ending Violence, housed within the School of Social Work, and Rutgers Global hosted an on-campus discussion with ten Iraqi activists engaged in work related to gender-based violence who are part of the U.S. Department of State's International Leadership Visitor Program.

Nationally, 400,000 youth are in foster care at any given time. Only about half will finish high school, and dropout rates are three times higher than other low-income peers. Those who successfully reach a college campus face overwhelming barriers. Many lack the benefit of consistent adult guidance required to navigate the college experience, and basic needs like housing, food security, and finances can become a daily worry. It is estimated that only 5% of these students will graduate from college. The School of Social Work's Institute for Families (IFF) is working to improve these odds through its IFF Fellows Program, which supports students who are current or former youth with experience in the child welfare system.