Center for Gambling Studies
ICRG Center of Excellence
Welcome to the Center for Gambling Studies (CGS) at Rutgers School of Social Work.
An ICRG Center of Excellence, CGS was founded in 2007. CGS is the only gambling studies center in a school of social work and one of a few such centers in the U.S., and the world.
By the Numbers
gambling counselors trained
19 billion
bets analyzed
in grants received

Our Mission
To drive global decision-making on issues relative to gambling and gaming by conducting strategic, non-partisan research and policymaking and to benefit individuals and families adversely affected by problems with interactive technology through innovative prevention, training, and intervention programs.
In the News
Browse the Center for Gambling Studies highlights in the news.
Contact Us
Lia Nower, JD, PhD
Professor and Director
Center for Gambling Studies
Addiction Counselor Training Certificate Program
School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Email: lnower@rutgers.edu