Research & Faculty
Research in Action
Rutgers School of Social Work’s faculty and centers actively engage in original research to advance the field. They conduct, publish, and share research that promotes social and economic justice and strengthens individual, family, and community well-being in the diverse and increasingly global environment of New Jersey and beyond. As part of a tier one research institution, the School of Social Work receives funding from public and private sources.

Our Faculty
Rutgers School of Social Work faculty members are a dynamic community of leaders – tenured professors and pre-tenure partners advancing the field of social work through original, published research; professors of professional practice and teaching and part-time lecturers who are actively working in local communities and bringing those experiences into the classroom.
Recent Grant Highlights
In Fiscal Year 2020, Rutgers School of Social Work's grant portfolio – the amount of funding available in active and open grant awards – totaled $62,700,770. Scroll through a selection of grants awarded to faculty and centers last fiscal year.

Research for a Just Future
As part of its five-year strategic plan, Rutgers School of Social Work will work to serve as an exemplar, top 20-ranked program by identifying emerging social work research priorities, building research clusters/centers, and by enhancing support for our current research initiatives.
Centers & Institute
RUSSW’s centers and institute are internationally known and focus on research and community engagement that is measured in real, lasting change.
Media Contacts & Experts
If you're a member of the media and would like to connect with an RUSSW subject expert, please connect with our communications team.
Faculty Books
Victoria Banyard, Professor, Associate Dean for Faculty Development, and Associate Director of the Center on Violence Against Women and Children, has authored Strengths-Based Prevention: Reducing Violence and Other Public Health Problems, with Sherry Hamby.
Strengths-Based Prevention presents a new way of thinking about prevention that focuses on building assets and resources. This book provides practitioners and researchers with the means to make more impactful choices in the design and implementation of prevention programs.
Drawing from state-of-the-art research on a range of behavior problems such as violence, drug abuse, suicide, and risky sexual activity, Victoria Banyard and Sherry Hamby present a strengths-based approach to prevention.
Historically, most prevention efforts have focused too much on admonishment and knowledge transfer, despite years of evidence that such programs are ineffective. Effective prevention must be grounded in a broad understanding of what works, what does not, and how different forms of risky behavior share common elements.
This book synthesizes research on behavior change from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, public health, sociology, criminology, resilience science, critical race theory, and even urban planning. It emphasizes the importance of building enough protective strengths to insulate people from risks.
Research Methods for Social Work: A Problem-Based Approach is a comprehensive introduction to methods instruction that engages readers innovatively and interactively. Using a case study and problem-based learning (PBL) approach, authors Antoinette Y. Farmer and G. Lawrence Farmer utilize case examples to achieve a level of application which builds readers’ confidence in methodology and reinforces their understanding of research across all levels of social work practice. These real case examples, along with critical thinking questions, research tips, and step-by-step problem-solving methods, will improve reader mastery and help them see why research is relevant. With the guidance of this new and noteworthy textbook, readers will transform into both knowledgeable consumers of research and skilled practitioners who can effectively address the needs of their clients through research.
This ambitious resource describes innovative intervention programs for treating substance abuse and other mental health problems in the Middle East in the context of larger issues in the region. Deftly combining clinical acumen with in-depth knowledge of sociopolitical currents, contributors present data and analysis on similarities and differences within the region, addiction issues in special populations (youth, mothers, immigrants), and the efficacy of local and international initiatives. New trends in evidence-based responses, including mental health services in war and disaster, are related to the larger goals of promoting peace. To that end, the editors go beyond the concept of shared problems to discuss strategies toward shared solutions, most notably psychological first aid as a healing approach to mediation.
Among the topics covered:
- Drug abuse in the Middle East: promoting mutual interests through resistance and resilience.
- Toward uniform data collection and monitoring of Israeli and Palestinian adolescent drug use.
- Substance abusing mothers: toward an understanding of parenting and risk behavior.
- Immigration, acculturation, and drug use.
- Psychological first aid: a tool for mitigating conflict in the Middle East.
- Collaborative approaches to addressing mental health and addiction.
For health psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, and addiction counselors, Mental Health and Addiction Care in the Middle East demonstrates the deep potential for mental health and social issues to be addressed to benefit all communities involved.
Learn more at https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319415543
E. Goldblatt Hyatt, DSW, MSW, MBE published Grieving for the Sibiling You Lost: A Teen's Guide to Coping with Grief and Finding Meaning After Loss in 2015. This book is meant help reader's understand her or his own unique coping style after the death of a sibling. It includes effective exercises based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help individuals work through negative thoughts, and learn the importance of creating meaning out of loss and suffering. Most importantly, readers will learn when and how to ask for help from parents, friends, or teachers.
Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Antoinette Y. Farmer (along with G. Lawrence Farmer of Fordham University) has authored a book entitled, Research with Diverse Groups: Research Designs and Multivariate Latent Modeling for Equivalence. This book introduces the methodological precautions that must be taken into consideration when conducting research with diverse groups. This book is ideal for social work doctoral students and doctoral students from other disciplines who are committed to producing methodologically sound and valuable research that can lead to effective interventions and public policies for diverse groups.
This book is available through Oxford University Press.
Professor Lia Nower has co-edited a book entitled The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Disordered Gambling, a complete guide to the current empirical literature internationally, relating to the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of disordered gambling. The book outlines best-practice guidelines for the clinical management of problem and disordered gambling. It contains empirically derived findings that translate research into practical clinical applications that clinicians and counselors can use in understanding and treating problem gamblers.
Professor Chien-Chung Huang, director of Huamin Research Center, and Dr. Richard L. Edwards coedited a book titled, China’s Nonprofit Sector: Progress and Challenges. This book provides an authoritative discussion of the nonprofit sector in one of the world’s most dynamic emerging economies and transitional societies. The book is available through Transaction Publishers and at retailers nationwide.
Professor Chien-Chung Huang, director of Huamin Research Center, and Dr. Richard L. Edwards co-edited a Chinese book titled, Comparative Study of Social Work Education in China and US. The book examines similarities and differences of social work education and research between China and the United States. It helps readers understand international social work and draws on practice experience to develop social work system in China. The book is available through Social Sciences Academic Press (China) and at retailers nationwide in China.
Professor Chien-Chung Huang, director of the Huamin Research Center, and Dr. Richard L. Edwards co-edited a Chinese book, titled Comparison of Social Welfare in China and the United States. The book compares the framework and policy content of the social welfare system in China and the United States. The book covers topics such as child welfare and family policy, elderly welfare, non-government organizations, medical health, and issues related disabled population. The book is available through Shandong People’s Publishing House and at retailers nationwide in China.
Michael LaSala, Associate Professor, has written a book entitled, Coming Out, Coming Home: Helping Families Adjust to a Gay or Lesbian Child. In the book, Dr. LaSala outlines effective, practice-tested interventions for families in transition. The book is available through Columbia Press and at retailers nationwide.
Associate Professor Judith McCoyd has co-authored with Toba S. Kerson, "Social Work in Health Settings." The book presents a "practice in context" framework which is then applied in thirty-one casebook chapters, covering a great variety of health care settings from working with survivors of domestic violence through supporting people with HIV to services for military personnel.
This thought-provoking volume thoroughly integrates social work theory and practice, and provides an excellent opportunity for understanding particular techniques and interventions. In this era of managed care, downsizing, and moving away from hospital-based work, the approach taken in Social Work in Health Settings proves more salient than ever before.
The book is available from Routledge and Amazon and other retailers nationwide.
Dean Cathryn C. Potter (along with Dr. Charmaine Brittain from the University of Denver) authored a book entitled, "Child Welfare Supervision: A Practical Guide for Supervisors, Managers and Administrators."The book brings together the latest information on effective supervision with a practical, skills approach to child welfare supervisions and middle management.
It is available through Oxford University Press and retailers nationwide.
Associate Professor Judith McCoyd has co-authored with Carolyn A. Walter "Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan: A Biopsychosocial Perspective." It is unique in its treatment of grieving patterns and intervention strategies for different age groups. With this book, students and practitioners will learn how grief is influenced by biological responses to stress, psychological responses to loss, as well as social norms and support networks. The book is available at Springer Publishing and at retailers nationwide.
Associate Professor Patricia Findley co-authored a book with Dr. Michael Feuerstein, a cancer survivor and researcher. Together they developed a 7-step self-management system that provides crucial information survivors need to effectively manage their health. The book is available from Amazon.com and other major retailers nationwide.
Antoinette Y. Farmer and Miriam Potocky have co-edited a book about research with minority and oppressed populations. The editors have abstracted from each article in this special collection research principles that can be generalized across different multicultural groups. In addition, they have suggested fundamental research questions that will advance further knowledge in the field. The book is available at Amazon.com and other major retailers nationwide.
Professor Kathleen Pottick co-authored "The Parents' Perspective: Delinquency, Aggression and Mental Health," an analysis of urban minority adolescents receiving outpatient mental health services in Newark, New Jersey. The book describes and analyzes the way urban parents view the problems of their adolescent children, and the way they have tried to copy with and seek help for them.
The book is available at Amazon and retailers nationwide.
Allison Zippay charts the decline of displaced blue-collar workers in this case study of Pennsylvania's Shenango Valley, detailing the fallout of the past decade's shift from a manufacturing to a service-based economy. Challenging the assumption that these workers have been absorbed into the post-industrial economy, the volume questions the real nature of their occupational transition. Zippay uses data gathered from in-person interviews to delineate blue-collar downward lifestyle shifts and conveys a community portrait of industrial displacement. The book is available from Amazon.com and other major retailers nationwide.
Contact the Research Services Team
Lia Nower
Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Research
lnower@rutgers.edu | (848) 932-5361 x25361
Cecilia Gal
Research Development Specialist
Samantha Michaele
Director of Business Services
sjmichaele@ssw.rutgers.edu | (848) 932-5305
Sharon Fortin
Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
fortin@ssw.rutgers.edu | (848) 932-8225
Contact the Office of Communications
Laurie Zazenski
Director of Communications