Group of Rutgers students smiling

Rutgers School of Social Work

By the Numbers

Top Ranked
In New Jersey

and #12 Ranked Best MSW Program (U.S. News & World Report)


Working in critical areas of social work research and professional practice


Enrolled in our four core academic programs


Effecting change in the field of social work and beyond

Practicum Learning

Giving students first-hand experience

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Rutgers Day

Latest News

Older woman smiling while writing on notepad and working on computer

The Social Work Policy Network remains committed to sharing key news updates, policy changes, action opportunities, events & more - with content particularly focused on social justice, equity, and systemic change.

Study group at table

Reflecting on January’s National Mentoring Month, Dr. Rebecca Swann-Jackson, Associate Research Manager at the Institute for Families and member of the School of Social Work’s (SSW) IIDEA Committee, interviewed Carmen Castro, Assistant Director of Business Services, who designed and leads the SSW Staff Pilot Mentoring Program. Carmen has previously supported the Faculty Diversity Collaborative in the Rutgers Office of University Equity and Inclusion. Carmen shares her perspectives on mentoring and its importance to the SSW community. 


The Social Work Policy Network remains committed to sharing key news updates, policy changes, action opportunities, events & more - with content particularly focused on social justice, equity, and systemic change.