InnovAGING NJ 2024 Summit
Advances at the Intersection of Aging, Innovation, and New Jersey
The Hub's inaugural InnovAGING NJ 2024 Summit, held March 22, 2024, was a virtual showcase of innovative programs and partnerships that are changing norms for aging and improving the lives of older adults in New Jersey. This event brought together 250 people leading innovative work on aging throughout New Jersey into one virtual space to learn from and connect with each other.
Explore InnovAGING NJ 2024's Presentations
The InnovAGING NJ 2024 Summit featured 23 presentations by New Jersey-based individuals and organizations advancing innovations in aging in the Garden State. Designed as a mini-conference, attendees presentations were offered into three sets of concurrent breakout rooms, allowing attendees to attend one presentation during each breakout segment. Spanning local community groups to state-wide policy advocacy efforts, this event featured a range of sectors, systems levels, and topics, including older adult community groups, later life housing and social service organizations, advocacy groups/organizations, healthcare providers, and private philanthropies.

Breakout Session 1

Amy Bauman, Director Office on Aging, Piscataway Senior Center; Joyce Coles, President, and Jeanette Bovell, Treasurer, Piscataway African American Seniors

Elizabeth Davis, Executive Director, The Bright Side Family; Candace Robinson, Director, Healthy Communities, Capital Impact Partners

Lori Feldstein, CEO & Executive Director, Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey

Stephanie Drag, Associate Vice President, Prevention; Donny Bellamy, Prevention Specialist, Rosemary Marchetto, Prevention Specialist, Children's Aid and Family Services

Meagan Glaser, Vice President, and Emma Bender, Membership, Associate, LeadingAge NJ & DE

Reva Farenback-Brateman MSW,CDP (she/her), Geriatric Case Manager and Community Educator, Jewish Family and Children’s Service (JFCS) of Southern New Jersey; Wendy Lucas (she/her), MPT, Cafe Connection Participant/Care Partner and Volunteer

Katie York, Associate State Director of Advocacy, AARP
Breakout Session 2

Kate Kelly, Associate Executive Director, Supportive Housing Association of NJ; Matthew von der Hayden, Township Administrator and Director of Water & Sewer
Utility, Township of Stafford; Jackie Kates, Project Advisor to Age-Friendly Teaneck & Leadership Team Member, Integrated Community Project

Christina Kata, NJ Policy Associate, Regional Plan Association

Chris Sturm, Policy Director, Land Use, and Sabrina Rodriguez-Vicenty, Advocacy and Government Affairs Manager, New Jersey Future

Carla Winters, PhD, Director of Grants and Fundraising, Interfaith Caregivers of Greater Mercer County

EJ Vizzi, Director of Senior Programs, The Bright Side Family; Ellen Rand, Volunteer Curriculum Coordinator, Age-Friendly Teaneck

Hannah Diamond, Policy Advocate, Justice in Aging

Amy B. Simon, CEO Managing Partner, and David Rosen, DBH, LCSW, LGBT, VP Training and Education, LGBT Senior Housing and Care

Building Community & Creating Change: The NJ Long-Term Care Ombudsman’s Community Engagement Program
Gary Brown and Ray DiFrancesco, Resident of a Nursing Home; Eliz Speidel, Director of Community Engagement, New Jersey Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Breakout Session 3

Sean Kane Holland, Access Nature Disabilty Advocate, and Carleton Montgomery, Executive Director, Pinelands Preservation Alliance

Renie Carniol, Executive Director, Grotta Fund for Older Adults; Julia Stoumbos, Program Director, Aging in Place, the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation

Tina Serota, JFS's Lynn Kramer Village by the Shore Community Specialist, Jewish Family Service of Atlantic and Cape May Counties

Joanne Rosen, Chief Marketing & Public Affairs Officer, Samaritan; Erika Thomas, Director of Social Connections, Samaritan

Megan O'Keefe, Executive Director, Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey

Katie Bisaha, Community Health and Policy Associate, New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute

Reva Farenback-Brateman MSW,CDP (she/her), Geriatric Case Manager and Community Educator, JFCS of Southern New Jersey; Mitch Augarten (he/him), MBA, LGBTQ+ Aging with Pride Participant and Volunteer

Mary Ciccone, Director of Policy, Disability Rights New Jersey