Practicum Learning in Aging
Location: Mount Holly, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Nonprofit and Public Management), Winter 2014-Spring 2014
I worked with adults and older adults, who were frail, abused, neglected, or exploited. My tasks included answering the hotline, taking referrals, interacting with clients and other social services agencies, and assisting with investigations. I also did administrative duties on behalf of the homeless population that included creating an affordable housing list for clients and staff.
Location: Voorhees, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
My primary responsibilities were to conduct psychosocial assessments during patients initial appointments with the doctor. I also co-facilitated support groups, helped with financial assistance and made referrals for nursing care and hospice. Majority of my population included elders. Some of the elders were at the end of life. I advocated for my patients and also advised them on advanced directives.
Location: Camden, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Social Work student
The focal population was substance abusers, rehab placements, and homelessness. My responsibility was to ensure my patients have a safe discharge plan, discuss discharge planning with patient and their family members, and provide education on available resources to patients who suffer from substance abuse. I helped patients who were homeless to find shelter resources. I submitted referrals to rehab facilities for patients who need rehab placement
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2012- Spring 2013
I provided case management services to adults with disabilities and elderly. I also assisted with services as needed. I provided counseling services as needed and was the group leader of a counseling group for elderly.
Location: Browns Mills, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
I conducted discharge planning and brief counseling with medically (and sometimes financially) vulnerable individuals, most of them older adults, and their families. I became familiar with community services for older adults and made referrals.
Location: Cinnaminson, NJ
When practicum completed: First year (Generalist), Fall, 2010-Spring, 2011; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2011-Spring, 2012
Student #1: Conducted medical social work assessments. Formed intake care plan. Held care conferences with patients and their families. Addressed and remedied care issues with patients. Prepared for patient discharge. Clients varied in age; however, most were over the age of 70.
Student #2: I performed learned and performed many of the tasks of the social work department. I conducted intake interviews with newly admitted geriatric patients with a variety of cognitive deficits and physical disabilities. During these interviews, I conducted mood assessments and memory tests and complete social work histories with the assistance of family members. I also discussed healthcare decisions with patients and their families and educate them on their choices. In addition, I participated in family meetings, care conferences, and discharge planning. Lastly, I provided one-on-one counseling with residents suffering from mental disorders, especially depression, and those having trouble adjusting to life in a rehabilitation facility.
Location: Woodbury, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012-Spring 2013; First year (Generalist), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Student #1: I provided emotional support and located resources for patients on hospice services and their family members, such as Medicaid, Meals on Wheels, body donation, Adult Make a Wish Foundation, etc. I also served as a volunteer to many patients as a companion and friendly visitor to them. I completed social work admissions, monthly visits and attended weekly interdisciplinary meetings.
Student #2: I worked closely with the social worker in obtaining helpful resources for the clients, setting up respite care, and placement in long term care facilities. We also performed the initial psychosocial assessment and met with the clients once a month. We provided emotional support to the client and the family continuously.
Location: Vineland, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
On the cardiac acute unit, my main duty was to assist in the discharge planning for elderly who had suffered from a CVA or TIA. Discharge processes included providing information to the elderly regarding local rehab facilities, educating patients on care maintenance, and coordinating discharge with their desired facility. My responsibilities also varied in that I had to work with insurance companies, drug/alcohol abusers, homeless populations and coverage for individuals who lacked insurance.
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ
When practicum completed:First year (Generalist), Fall, 2010-Spring, 2011
Served for the Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) program in the Senior Services Department; performed assessments; facilitated group activities among senior citizens (i.e. "Lunch Bunch", "Exploring the Past"); collected information from intake phone calls; conducted individual/family counseling sessions; attended various conferences on cultural competency; became familiar with government assistance programs
Location: Pennsauken, NJ
When practicum completed: First year (Generalist), Fall, 2010-Spring, 2011; Second Year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013; Second Year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013 - Spring 2014, 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work)
Student #1: I independently conducted reassessments to identify needs for participants and present materials at care plan meetings. I facilitated therapeutic groups, more specifically for the Hispanic population in the program. I also assisted the participants with their social services needs, such as housing issues, obtaining food stamps, or receiving home energy assistance. The client population at LIFE at Lourdes included individuals who are fifty-five years or older and meet nursing home level of care.
Student #2: Worked one on one with clients to provide emotional support. Completed assessments (6 months and annual). Attended IDT and care plan meetings.
Student #3: Psychosocial assessments, case management, and supportive counseling with the clients who were 55 and older as well as some work with their families. Clients also suffered from physical disabilities due to injury or stroke and many suffered from dementia. I worked along with an interdisciplinary team to support the client to live as independently as possible in the community.
Student #4: Primary responsibilities included completing initial and six-month reassessments, performing geriatric depressions scales, facilitating grief and loss support groups, connecting clients with community resources, intensive case management, conducting Mini Mental Status exams and completing healthcare proxy and advanced directive forms.
Student #5:Tasks included: case management; one-on-one counseling; co-facilitating a women's feelings group; strategic planning; and assisting older adults with gaining access to needed programs.
Student #6: Tasks included: therapeutic groups; writing and reviewing care plans; completing annual and six month assessments; supportive counseling; and advocating for elders at state agencies and via telephone.
Location: Moorestown, NJ
When practicum completed: First year (Generalist), Fall, 2010-Spring, 2011; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2011-Spring, 2012; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2012-Spring, 201; Second year (Clinical Social Work), June- Dec 2012 and Jan-April 2013, 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work)
Student #1: Oriented the new residents to acclimate to a long term care setting. Provided counseling to the consumers of LCM. Assessed and completed mental status exams and documentation of the consumers in the facility. Independently led care conferences to help advocate for the residents’ rights. Worked with the families of the client to provide emotional support and information. Prepared residents for discharge by connecting residents in need to outside organizations in the community
Student #2: I performed intake assessments on new residents and mood assessments on current residents. I attended care conferences with family members and other staff meetings. I helped with discharge planning and contacting family members as necessary. The population was mostly elderly in the sub-acute and long term care setting.
Student #3: My primary responsibilities were to advocate for the frail elderly through advocacy tasks, such as; counseling, care conferences, completion of psychosocial assessments, family intervention, death and dying issues. Social worker assisted resident in connection for advanced directive completion.
Student #4: Performed assessments; attended morning clinical meeting, care plan reviews, interagency meetings, utilization review meetings, family meetings, and TREC meetings. Practiced individual counseling skills with the elderly population. Worked with sub acute patients from the intake through the discharge process. Collaborated with interdisciplinary staff in a professional manner to ensure the utmost care and safety for all patients. Connected Masters level coursework to a professional social work role at an agency. Shadowed a LCSW casework Social Worker at an elderly program for a year.
Student #5: Ensuring residents' psychosocial needs were met, doing discharge planning, going over advanced directives with residents, doing initial assessments, observing care plan meetings, observing Medicare utilization meetings, doing Mini Mental Status Examinations, and filing.
Student #6: One of my primary responsibilities was to effectively complete "intake assessments", as well as advocate for these clients’ biopsychosocial needs. I also gained exposure in completing a "men's group" that focused on social skills for men while they transitioned into the nursing home setting. Additionally, supportive counseling was a major part of the the field student duties during meetings with the patient and families.
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2012-Spring, 2013
At Manor Care my main responsibilities were initial assessments, quarterly notes, and discharge planning. I had to set the rehabilitation patients up with home care and medical equipment to meet their needs. The elderly residents, who live at the facility, are aided by the social workers with therapeutic groups and planning for the future.
Location: Camden, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Social Work student
Primary responsibilities included completing psychosocial assessments to determine how the patient functioned prior to hospitalization, attending interdisciplinary team conferences and giving report from a social work perspective, referring clients to additional resources and facilities if need be (e.g. subacute rehabs, home care agencies, etc.), and meeting with families and patients to review the team conference information. The focal client population was older adults who suffered from a stroke, hip fractures, hip/knee replacements, and deconditioning following complex care.
Location: Camden, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, Clinical Social Work student
I provided individual and family counseling and worked with clients on discharge planning. The population I worked with were elders at the end of life, adults with disabilities, and caregivers.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2012-Spring, 2013; Second year (Clinical Social Work) Fall 2013- Spring 2014
Student #1: As a service coordinator in the Family Caregiver Support Program, I managed a caseload of 15 older adults and their caregivers. I spoke with each caregiver monthly, made visits quarterly, and completed bi-annual reassessments of consumers. I provided caregivers and care recipients with information regarding resources they were eligible for through the program. This included reimbursement for respite workers and over the counter supplies, as well as up front coverage of many home modifications (hand held shower, grab bars, stair glide, etc.).
Student #2: Adult Protective Services- Investigate reports of abuse and neglect including emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, self-neglect, caregiver neglect. Refer to services.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2011-Spring, 2012
Provided supportive counseling to veterans 75+ years of age. Provide assistance in finding low-income senior housing; referred to community for in-home support services such as HHA, Meals-on-Wheels, safety assessment, and waiver program eligibility. Also I assisted in filling out paperwork for emergency relief funds, VA Aid & Attendance, Respite Stay, LTC and Short term stay at Community Living Center. Outpatient Clinic does not require an appointment so veterans are able to come in at any time to see a social worker to assist them with financial matters, filing for military papers, financial hardship waivers, dental in the community, glasses in the community, and light housekeeping community services. I worked closely with County offices on aging to find supplemental services to assist veterans in remaining home independently as long as it is safely possible. I also assisted in POA, State Veterans Home applications, MEANS testing, and arranging Special Mode of Transportation for WC bound veterans. I also took part in the National Caregivers Day at the PVAMC.
Location: Vineland, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2011-Spring, 2012
I responsible for Discharge planning and setting up services for elders upon there release to home, rehab, and LTC. I completed initial assessments and evaluates patients for needs or deficits and made referrals accordingly. I world offer supportive counseling to families and the patient to deal with their new disability.
Location: Salem, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2011-Spring, 2012
I was asked to shadow each person in the office for at least one day and have been made knowledgeable about Transportation, Social Work billing, Department billing, the program planning for new outreach programs, and has had the opportunity to work with the Adult Protection Officer. I often helped out by performing the duties of the office Receptionist/Operator. I had taken on all responsibilities of the CPCH clients, monthly and quarterly face to face meetings and meetings with the aides and nurses.
Location: Mount Holly, NJ
When practicum completed: 2013-2014, by Clinical Social Work student
Tasks included: psychosocial Assessments; care planning along with team; creating and implementing safe discharge plans when appropriate; assessing appropriate bereavement level of care; continuing assessment of patient/family needs; and communication with hospice team.
Location: Audubon, NJ
When practicum completed: 2013-2014, by Generalist student
Tasks included: contacting clients via phone monthly to ensure they are receiving their services; visiting clients quarterly to complete their assessment and reevaluate their services and care plan; meeting with client and family; documenting notes; assisting with additional requests such as contacting home care agencies, sending faxes, contacting doctor's office, and completing care plans to change/delete or add additional services.
Location: Atlantic City, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2013-Spring 2014
I helped to assist clients by providing both therapy and case management. The Special Care Center works with chronically ill diabetics. The population of the area was very diverse and the recipients of the SCC services generally tended to be local immigrants who were low income and worked within the casinos.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2012-Spring, 2013
I helped patients through supportive counseling, resource connection, grant application, and research. I was part of a Senior Adult Oncology clinic at the cancer center for patients over the age of 70. It was a multidisciplinary clinic for comprehensive care. I also helped to develop a psychosocial distress screening tool for patients.
Location: Collingswood, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by MAP Student
I provided residents and families with the psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses. I referred residents or family to community resources to assist in recovery from mental or physical illness. I planed discharge from care facility to home or other care facility. I conducted initial assessments and participated in care conferences. I collaborated with other professionals to evaluate patients' medical or physical conditions and to assess their needs.
Location: Stratford, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012-Spring 2013; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Student #1: I conducted initial and follow up psychosocial assessments for patients and their families during end of life. I provided resources to patients and families regarding LTC placements, legal services, caregiver resources, final arrangements, and veterans services. I provided emotional support to patients and families during end of life.
Student #2: I completed psychosocial assessments of patients and families. I provided support and counseling to patients and families dealing with emotional or social conflicts. I assisted in the discharge planning of patients. I assisted in facilitating a bereavement support group.
Location: Cedar Grove, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Social Work student
My primary responsibilities included psychosocial support to individuals and families, bereavement counseling, initial biopsychosocial assessments, nursing home routine visits, home visits, and interdisciplinary team meetings. The focal client population I worked with included older adults at the end of life.
Location: Livingston, NJ
When practicum completed: 2013-2014, by Clinical Social Work student
I visited hospice patients and their families in homes, skilled nursing facilities, and hospitals for psychosocial assessments. I performed new patient assessments including all documentation. I also conducted group bereavement counseling assessments. Finally, I attended weekly interdisciplinary team meetings.
Location: Cedar Grove, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Nonprofit and Public Management),Fall 2011-Spring2012
My responsibilities at the Canterbury consisted of mainly assisting the director of recreation with scheduling activities. I also got the opportunity to visit nursing homes to promote the Canterbury and gain referrals. Finally during the change in management in the dietary department, I was involved with conducting surveys with residents of food preparation and taste of the food.
Location: Morristown
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Provided supportive counseling, therapeutic groups. Focal client population was adults with terminal illness- many elders at end of life.
Location: Union City, NJ
When practicum completed: First year (Generalist), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Most of my responsibilities were in helping a client find a home before he had to be discharged from the nursing home. Other responsibilities included translating with Spanish-speaking clients to the social worker. I also did the intakes assessments in the subacute unit when a new client came in and worked on discharging clients as well.
Location: Pompton Plains, NJ
When practicum completed: First year (Generalist), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
I provided supportive counseling to clients with depression, anxiety and dementia. Followed up with residents after any accidents or illnesses to assess for safety and need for additional support. Created and facilitated a support group for new residents to help them get acclimated to the community. Conducted cognitive assessments (MOCA) as a part of intake interviews and on an as needed basis for current residents. Attended social work team meetings, interdisciplinary staff meetings and long-term care interdisciplinary care plan meetings.
Location: Pompton Plains, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, Clinical Social Work students
Student #1: I was in the Independent Living neighborhood of Cedar Crest Village where I worked with older adults (aged 65 and older). I interacted with residents in a variety of ways including going to the residents' apartments due to incident reports, weekly visits, or friendly visits; completing assessments such as pre-residency interviews, MOCAs, and BESTs; attending group meetings including an Alzheimer's support group, adult day services for residents, and memory fitness; and interacting in the hallways or in the office when residents came to me with concerns. I primarily did case management work and ensured that all the residents' needs were being met, and I responded when a resident needed more support, a higher level of care, more community involvement, etc. I also met with a few residents regularly for psychosocial/emotional support. My co-field students and I also developed our own support group that met for 6 weeks.
Student #2: I conducted a series of move-in visits with new independent living older adults to assist them in acclimating and adjusting to their new life on campus and to encourage their socialization. I provided both one-time and ongoing supportive counseling to well elders and terminally ill elders, including those at the end of life, and grief counseling for older residents who had experienced a loss. I also conducted initial and follow-up psychosocial assessments and MOCA evaluations with elderly residents identified as having possible cognitive impairment. I performed wellness checks with elderly residents, who were recently discharged from the hospital or rehabilitation to their independent living apartment, to ensure they were adjusting well and have the appropriate level of care and services in place. I co-facilitated stress reduction workshops for older residents in varying stages of health.
Student #3: My tasks included: • Completing psychosocial assessments • Participating in interdisciplinary care planning meetings • Facilitating discharge planning, including coordinating/ and participating in discharge meetings and making appropriate community referrals • Updating insurance companies as required on the resident's status • Inviting residents and families to quarterly meetings • Reviewing Resident Rights and Advanced Directives • Participating in and helping to develop support group • Conducting individual weekly counseling sessions with residents assigned to caseload.
Location: Lyndhurst, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
The bulk of my work was doing individual and group therapy with older adults with chronic mental illnesses. I also did the activity groups as needed by staff. I also did some treatment plans and intakes with staff.
Location: Clifton, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011-Spring 2012; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Student #1: Clinical counseling to Independent living Tenants, concrete social services to tenants on a daily basis. Advocating for tenants with hospital and governmental agencies. Organized and ran tenant meetings. All elderly clients of diverse ethnicity, racial, and religious backgrounds.
Student #2: At this placement, I had the opportunity to conduct MDS interviews with long-term and subacute residents. I also provided 9 clients with weekly supportive therapy, and conducted a weekly reminiscent spanish speaking group with dementia residents. I also worked with tenants living in the independant living apartments helping with very concrete social work issues such as making calls to insurance companies for spanish speaking clients. The most rewarding experience was providing 2 residents on hospice with end of life supportive therapy.
Location: Morris Planes, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013-Spring 2014. 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work)
Student #1: Worked with fellow social workers, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, rehab counselors, and various clinical support to help patients with psychiatric illness achieve recovery and coping skills necessary for community reintegration on the geriatric unit at Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital. Managed a caseload of five patients, facilitated discharge planning group, Interacted with community providers to arrange for discharge planning. Provided support and education about mental illness and hospital procedures, including HIPPA regulations to patients and their family members. Completed multiple comprehensive assessments including: Initial Psychosocial, Annual social, Readmission social as well as monthly and weekly progress notes. Met patient weekly for individual therapy for borderline personality disorder, developmental delays, and substance abuse issues in addition to her primary diagnosis of major depression with psychotic features. Observed and participated in several treatment team meetings each week with patients, family, and community providers present.
Student #2: I facilitated supportive counseling and conducted an Illness Management Recovery (IMR) group for the elderly deaf patients with the help of ASL interpreters. I completed patients' progress notes, annual assessments, and conducted psychosocial intakes. I assisted in facilitating groups such as pre-discharge with the hearing patients and with treatment team meetings, etc.
Location: New York, NY
When practicum completed:Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Supportive counseling, case management for seniors, senior housing management, coordinating volunteer recognition event, etc. Focal client population: Asian older adults.
Location: New York, NY
When practicum completed: Second year (Nonprofit and Public Management), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Provided comprehensive case management for older adults, 60 and over, most of them were homebound clients that live in the community. My responsibilities in this area included assisting clients with on formal and informal money management, applying for benefits and entitlements, conducting home visits and ensuring that the clients' needs were being met. I also attended several workshops that pertained to services for older adults and government grants.
Location: Jersey City, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
I facilitated SAGE (Service & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) weekly meetings, supportive counseling for LGBT youth through late adulthood, wrote grants, and letter of inquires.
Location: Whippany or Florham Park, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011-Spring 2012; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Student #1: As a social work field student in the Older Adults Division, I performed individual and family counseling to older adults through home and office visits, conduct comprehensive psychosocial and geriatric assessments and perform assessments and re-assessments of meals on wheels. Additionally, I completed assessments and re-assessments of Holocaust grants, participate in Cafe Europa, a social support group for Holocaust survivors, and coordinate services to maintain independence of disabled and older adults. I participated in clinical seminars, departmental meetings, peer supervision, and staff meetings.
Student #2: Provided counseling for homebound older adults. Conducted some case management through experience as a therapist for older adults. Facilitated a therapy group for seniors living in a senior housing facility. Engaged in planning and implementation of programs for Holocaust survivors.
Location: Rockleigh, NJ
When practicum completed:2012-2013, by Generalist student
I worked with a variety of clients (residents with dementia, acute care patients, and caregivers) in both one-on-one situations and in groups. I attended daily staff meetings, monthly caregiver support groups, and quarterly bioethics meetings. I facilitated and co-facilitated two weekly resident meetings. I worked directly with one client weekly and 6-7 clients biweekly. I assisted new residents through the admission process. I evaluated staff perspectives regarding their roles and responsibilities within the agency and used these interviews and other research to develop an action plan for improving the level of staff engagement and quality of care on the secured dementia unit. I attended care plan meetings with interdisciplinary staff and family members to stay informed about resident and family needs and concerns.
Location: Sparta, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011-Spring 2012
I worked in both hospice and bereavement. I conducted initial assessment, individual counseling, and self-help support groups. Focal client population included elder at the end of life, disabilities, caregivers, and bereaved.
Location: Englewood, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012-Spring 2013; First year (Generalist) Fall 2013- Spring 2014
Student #1: At Lillian Booth, I saw 2-4 clients on a weekly basis for supportive counseling and assisted approximately 40 residents with such things as Medicare, paying bills, and Advance Directives. I also completed tasks such as quarterly assessments, mini-mentals, social service notes, attending Hospice meetings and trainings, and Medicare cut letters. In addition, I was available on a regular basis for residents requiring supportive counseling or assistance with computers, and accessing resources such as other departments, credit card companies, and finding suitable senior independent living.
Student #2: I primarily worked with older individuals between the ages of 65 to 100 who resided in the assisted living and skilled nursing facilities in the Lillian Booth Actors Home. I was in charge of providing supportive counseling, conducting mini-mental status exams with the residents, helping residents complete various Social Security applications, and updating my clients' medical charts as needed. I was also given a project in which I had to obtain the licensures and background checks of all nursing aides hired outside our facility. I also advocated for my clients by calling the Social Security office if any problems with Social Security checks ever arose.
Location: Montclair, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
I helped to provide support and counseling to the aging population along with their family members who have may be dealing with any mental illness.
Location: Newark, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Processed and engaged patients upon admission and discharge. Patients ranged in age from 18 y/o to 100 y/o. I saw about 10 new patients and 10 routine visits per day. Patients were of several ethnic groups and sexual preference, male and female, and were admitted for a range of illnesses. I had contact with families by phone and in person. Made contact with outside facilities and connected clients with programs and services; also needed to plan for after-discharge accommodations (transportation, housing, Medicaid or Medicare services.) I also interacted with all multi-disciplinary professionals to collaborate in patient care issues.
Location: New York, NY
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Worked with elderly patients in the emergency room; in dialysis center with transplant patients; worked with adults with disabilities, mental illness, sickle Cell Anemia, dementia, Alzheimer, COPD and a variety of illnesses; did discharge planning and conducting family meetings.
Location: Livingston, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Non-profit and public management), Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Conducted travel training for older adults in senior housing and centers; mobility management; grant writing; program planning; resource inventory; and customized resource guide design.
Location: Summit, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2013-Spring 2014
My primary responsibilities included: running group therapy, completing psychosocial assessments, attending treatment planning meetings, interacting one on one with patients, discharge planning, facilitating family meetings. The client population varied from ages 18-95 with mental illness and dementia/behavioral disturbances. I worked with patients and their families. Most of my patients were adults ages ranging from 40-94
Location: East Orange, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Social Work student
I provided concrete social casework services to psychiatric patients and their families, including individual, group, and family supportive and educational counseling during individual, group, and family meetings. I prepared complete psychosocial assessments providing information obtained for diagnosis and treatment including physical, familial, and developmental history as well as marital, financial, and occupational status. I also conducted daily therapeutic individual and group psychotherapy, psychoeducation, and family support.
Location: Montclair, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Responsibilities included (a) interface/counsel seniors and family members in medical day care setting, (b) interview and provide tours for seniors and family members, (c), assist supervisor with day-to day paperwork and papers necessary for state/federal requirements (e.g., agriculture forms, DOH forms, etc.), and (d) interface between seniors and medical, activities, and transportation departments.
Location: Vauxhall, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Worked with sub acute rehab patients and nursing home residents with intakes and discharge planning. Provided individual and group counseling. Trained staff and educated residents. Participated in quality assurance.
Location: West Orange, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
I completed admission psychosocial and mood assessments with residents, scheduled and participated in family meetings with the IDCP team. Assisted residents with applications for housing, transfers to other facilities, and discharge planning to home. Updated and completed MDS for resident chart and provided social service support to residents, family and also staff.
Location: Summit, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, Clinical Social Work student
My role was to complete Biopsychosocial Assessment with newly admitted patient, attend treatment team meetings to understand the interdisciplinary role within the unit and continuing care for each patient, facilitate group psychotherapy, co-facilitate with assigned social worker a family meeting, make collateral phone calls, outreach to case managers following patients, outreach to find housing, connection with government assistance, link with transportation as needed, complete discharge safety plan and discharge information with patient and create a summary for psychiatric court.
Location: Newark, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Participation by presenting in Women’s Group, provided assistance with CAB, gathered information from mental health counselor regarding mental health assessments and follow up, completed assessments and reassessments on about 50 clients, provided assistance with ADDP, supervise urine testing with substance abuse counselor, attended Essex county college HIV testing event, assist with transportation, participate with World Aids Day event sponsored by the clinic, provided assistance with NJ Transit reduced fare program. Meetings attended consist of: case presentation meeting, medical case management meetings and provider meetings that are all held bi-weekly. The diversity of the client base at IDP are of all gender, race, ethnicity and socio economic classes mainly adult population.
Location: Jersey City, NJ
When practicum completed: 2011-2012, by MAP student
I was a case manager providing services to the elderly and disabled population. In addition to providing counseling services, I made home visits to assist the clients with unmet needs. I also served as a liaison and advocate for the clients and would refer them to other services as needed.
Location: Livingston, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer, 2011 - Spring 2012; Second year (Non-profit and public management), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Student #1: I counseled and provided services for elders and families at the end of life. Facilitated a supportive counseling group for a caregiver bereavement group.
Student #2: Provided counseling and care for patients on hospice care and their families. Went to Alzheimer's and dementia facilities and provided activities and interacted with the residents. Also had patients located within these facilities. Visited them regularly and kept client notes on their treatment plans and interventions. Worked with elders at the end of life, adults with disabilities, caregivers, families, institutions such as the VA, Global Care Options, nursing homes etc.
Location: Princeton, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Nonprofit and Public Management), Summer 2011-Spring 2012, 2014-2015 (MAP student)
Student#1: As an field student, I worked in the Community Outreach program of AARP's state office. I helped facilitate programs that connected members of the 50+ community to valuable resources. I also gained important knowledge regarding advocacy on a national, state and local level for this vulnerable population.
Student#2: I focused on enhancing volunteer management strategies, increasing engagement of diverse communities through the development and maintenance of a Spanish-language AARP Facebook page as well as a Twitter feed in collaboration with the Communications Director to promote the AARP brand within the Latino community.
Location: Long Branch, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year/Advanced Standing (Clinical Social Work), June 2012 - April 2013
Adult Protective services investigates allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults including those with developmental disabilities, mental illness, multiple physical and mental impairments, and from a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. My duties included providing crisis counseling and advocacy to overcome obstacles and ensure client safety, collaborate with other professionals to evaluate client biopsychosocial condition and needs, identify, coordinate, and monitor delivery of client services, refer client, or family/caregiver to community resources (medical care, mental health, homecare, financial assistance, legal aid, housing, job placement, and education), and to monitor, evaluate, and record client progress toward achieving treatment goals.
Location: Kendall Park, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Winter 2014-Spring 2014
Student #1: I drafted needs assessment for caregivers, drafted needs assessment for the LGBT elderly of Middlesex County, compiled an updated resource directory for South Brunswick residents of vendors and services in their area, and conducted research to support the link between creativity and caregiving.
Student #2: In this field placement, I had the opportunity to facilitate a support group in a senior center and did individual counseling with older adults. I did research work and summarized programs demonstrating the value of the creative process in promoting better health and disease prevention, resulting in higher levels of independence, improving mental and physical health for young and older adults. I was also involved in organizing a transportation summit and planning a creative caregiving program.
Location: East Brunswick, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013 - Spring 2014, 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work), 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work)
Student #1: Provided individual assessment, discharge planning and short-term supportive therapy to socio-culturally diverse, mostly elderly population undergoing rehabilitation. Met with residents and their families to discuss therapeutic progress and provide assistance in securing community services. Assessed residents for depression and arrange appropriate psychological services. Pioneered and facilitated caregiver support/education group. Participated in utilization review to guide discharge planning in line with resident needs and insurance guidelines. Educated residents on their rights and Advance Directive choices.
Student #2: Conducted psychosocial, cognitive, and mood assessments. Assessed patient’s social and economic needs, followed up with referrals, and provided appropriate education to patients and families. Assisted families and patients in navigating the healthcare system, specifically Medicare/Medicaid. Represented social services in Introductory Care Conferences, mediation, discharge planning, and family team meetings. Developed and outlined a caregiver support group.Educated patients on Advanced Directives, Living Wills, and Power of Attorney healthcare documentation.Worked with IDT to determine patient's needs at home and order equipment for discharge.
Student #3: I did assessments, discharge planning, and provided supportive services.
Student #4:Responsibilities at the Sub-acute rehab facility (which serves mostly a senior population) included: supportive counseling, conducting mini mental exams, performing patient intake assessments, handling patient transfers, observing family meetings, attending utilization review meetings, and advocating for residents.
Student #5:Tasks included: initial assessments of sub-acute rehab clients; supportive visits to residents; family care plan meetings; weekly utilization review meetings; and support with end-of-life issues.
Location: Morristown, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2013-Spring 2014
I provided psychosocial individual support to elders and their caregivers surrounding a cancer diagnosis and its treatment. Provided practical support, including finding resources for financial assistance, transportation assistance, home care, referrals to social security disability, and Medicaid and charity care. Facilitated an 8-week post breast surgery psycho-educational program.
Location: Belle Mead, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall of 2011
T The focus was elderly individuals with psychological issues like depression, dementia, etc. I was a Clinical Case Manager, and I was involved mainly in the discharge planning for the patients.
Location: Somerset County, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Social Work student
T I worked with Easter Seals New Jersey’s seven group homes for adults with Serious Mental Illness (SMI). Through my work with the older adult clients, I provided supportive counseling, as well as budgeting/financial planning, nutrition counseling and psychoeducation. I also assisted with medication management under the supervision of support coaches. Issues often encountered in counseling included aging with mental illness, death and dying, as well as the discussion of psychiatric advanced directives in conjunction with advanced directives.
Location: Hillsborough, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Conducted discharge planning for the sub-acute unit, conduct psychosocial and MDS assessments; provided one-to-one patient support and counseling integrated from Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy; facilitated a women’s reminiscence and therapy group; provided local service referrals and information. Population includes long term care residents, memory impaired residents, and residents in the rehabilitation/sub-acute unit.
Location: Highland Park, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013 - Spring 2014
Student #1: I worked closely with the resident family liaison to serve the needs of Stonegate residents, while promoting the concepts of assisted living. In addition, I worked in the skilled nursing care facilities and adult day health services within Parker. Overall responsibilities included but were not limited to: supportive counseling, interdisciplinary team meetings, depression task force committee meetings, work on leadership project for fellowship, home visits to assess eligibility, administering of cognitive and psychosocial assessments, hospital and/or rehabilitation visits to residents on medical leave of absence, scheduling transportation, appropriate family outreach, and coverage for social workers. The focal client population included adults with disabilities, well elders who may or may not need some assistance with activities of daily living, elders with dementia, and elders in need of long term skilled nursing care.
Student #2:Provided supportive counseling to residents in skilled nursing, participants in the Medical Adult Day program, and residents in the assisted living. Focused on issues dealing with loss, adjustment to changes, mood, behavioral issues, cognitive issues and family concerns. The population ranged from elders at the end of life, adults with disabilities, well elders, caregivers, family and community.
Location: New Brunswick, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Social Work student
I shadowed social workers in assisted living, skilled nursing care, and adult day programs. I assisted with assessments, provided 1:1 support to residents, ran monthly groups, advocated for elders, and provided support and referrals to elders and their family members. I was also a part of a Culture Team task-force, working to move Parker Home along the Path of Mastery as an Eden Alternative Home.
Location: Perth Amboy, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by MAP student
Some of the hallmark tasks completed as an field placement student included updating and facilitating the client satisfaction survey, creating a resource manual for screeners, updating the 2014 quality assurance plan, and completing the remediation plan for the most recent annual licensing review. As a field student, I worked alongside the administrative team that included the Executive Director, Clinical Director, Administrative Director, and Director of Outpatient Services. I also actively attended clinical disposition meetings, team leader meetings, and community meetings including the county mental health board meeting.
Location: Edison, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2011- Spring, 2012; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2012- Spring, 2013
Student #1: As an MSW field placement student at Haven Hospice, my primary responsibilities included performing assessments, formulating care plans, providing emotional support and presence, bereavement counseling to patients and family members on our hospice program, and supportive counseling to consumers of JFK medical services from the community. The vast majority of my focal client population consisted of elders at the end of life and their caregivers. Adolescent family members of expired patients represent the remainder of my caseload.
Student #2: My tasks included psychosocial assessments, suicide risk assessments, bereavement assessments and creating care plans. In addition, I used different therapeutic techniques such as supportive counseling, gentle touch, and guided imagery. I also ran a general bereavement group twice a month during my spring semester. My client population included the elderly at end of life but also anyone dealing with end of life issues.
Student #3: The focal client population in this field setting was elders at the end of life. Responsibilities included supportive counseling, case management, facilitation of bereavement groups, and completion of psychosocial assessments.
Location: Flemington, NJ
When practicum completed:2013-2014 by Generalist student
Received and investigated reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation involving vulnerable adults. Nearly all clients receiving services from Hunterdon County Adult Protective Services were above the age of 65. I evaluated individual suspected victims to make a determination on need of protection and case management. I assisted clients with providing access to psychiatric and medical services and legal counsel. I advocated for human rights and social and economic justice on behalf of the vulnerable adult population. I also performed bio-psychosocial assessments and mental health examinations and assessed client strengths and limitations.
Location: Flemington, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
At hospice I worked with mostly elders and their families at the end of life. I completed work with admissions, supportive counseling, multi-disciplinary team care plans, and psycho-social assessments. At the hospital I assisted with supportive counseling, resource referral and discharge planning.
Location: Elizabeth, NJ
When practicum completed: First year (Generalist), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
I provided individual, home- and center-based counseling and case management to older adult population; clinical issues included grief and loss, mental health issues, chronic health issues. Part of this process included writing progress notes, completing psychosocial assessments, and attending case conferences and staff programs. I also helped to facilitate a group for local Holocaust survivors and created a resource manual for the agency.
Location: Somerville, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011 to Spring 2012; First year (Generalist), Fall 2013 to Spring 2014
Student #1: I provided supportive counseling to approximately seven older adult clients, most of whom live in their own home and struggle with chronic illnesses and mental health problems. I also facilitated a weekly socialization group for the JCC in Bridgewater and a monthly group for new residents at the Stein Assisted Living facility. I also provided psychotherapy to a middle aged couple and worked with a middle aged woman diagnosed with a personality disorder in addition to helping facilitate a senior mentoring training.
Student #2: I co-facilitated a social learning group for adolescents with Asperger Syndrome, as well as a monthly social club for young adults with Asperger Syndrome. Provided case management for individuals seeking assistance paying utility bill for the NJ Shares Utility Assistance Program. Conduced home visits and assessment with seniors for case management, clinical therapy and Holocaust Survivors Assistance Program. Assisted in training volunteers for the Family and Senior Mentor program.
Location: Princeton, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011- Spring 2012; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013- Spring 2014. 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work), 2013 (Clinical Social Work)
Student #1: I worked with elderly members, making contact as well as advocating for them when necessary. I also worked with these members to assess their needs and complete individual care plans.
Student # 2: My field placement was with a membership-based geriatric care management program. My responsibilities included in-home reassessments, monthly contacts with members, and administrative tasks for the program. The members served are older adults aging in place.
Student # 3: I worked with an aging-in-place program called Secure@Home which enables elder to remain living independently in their own homes by providing them with support and connections to community resources. As a field placement student, I made monthly contacts by phone, made home visits, helped with assessments, coordinated our volunteer service, attended interdisciplinary care conferences for clients in rehab, and provided information and referrals. I shadowed all three of the program's geriatric care managers as well as the Chaplain. I also co-facilitated a biweekly support group for caregivers under the age of 70 who care for a spouse with an age-related disease or disability. I have made brief presentations to health care professionals about the program.
Student # 4: I worked as a care manager with United Aging and Disability Partnership clients conducting initial assessments and providing follow-up care. I also worked to create a Caregiver Support Helpline and left the agency with an Advance Directive Tool for client/care manager use. Additionally, I saw clients for traditional counseling.
Location: Edison, NJ
When practicum completed: First year (Generalist), Fall,2012-Spring, 2011
My responsibilities included rapid problem identification and data collection for clients’ psychosocial assessment and treatment planning, as well as discharge planning and referrals to rehabilitation.
Location: North Brunswick, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall, 2011- Spring, 2012
I was responsible for performing resident intakes with the residents who did not have one on file, as well as new residents, schedule appointments and transportation and organize and hold activities for the residents. I would also help the residents with any other concern they came in the office for (Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps/Meals on Wheels).
Location: Ocean Grove, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
This field placement focused mainly on working with older adults, many of which above the age of 80, who were either in sub-acute rehab following a hospital stay or were admitted for long-term care to receive skilled nursing. My tasks included completing social work assessments, completing MDS assessments, scheduling and attending family meetings, setting up discharge plans, and making referrals to homecare, palliative care, or hospice care. The majority of residents were chronically ill, acutely ill, or end of life.
Location: Monroe Township, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011- Spring 2012
Responsibilities included (a) assessment for new residents, (b) individual counseling, (c) therapeutic groups, and (d) work with elders with dementia.
Location: Trenton, NJ
When practicum completed:Second year (Nonprofit and Public Management), Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Assessment of services for independent living program, revision of training manual, attend partnership meetings with the Division on Aging, attend aging-related training and conferences, and provided trainings to new social service coordinators.
Location: Monmouth Junction, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2011-Spring 2012
My primary responsibilities were to provide therapeutic and emotional support to clients and their families, link clients with community services and resources, plan discharge and do care plan meetings. In addition, I interviewed and inputted for the MDS 3.0 Brief Mental Status Exam and PHQ9 for all clients. The focal client population for PPC was older adults, as the center is a sub acute rehab and long term care facility. Exposure to clients with many different cultures, ethnicities and demographics is available within this placement.
Location: Princeton, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2011- Spring 2012; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012- Spring 2013
Student #1: I worked with older adults at the end of life. Most were between the ages of 60 and 100 years of age. I helped co-facilitate bereavement groups for spouses and family. I also aided older adults in attaining resources as well as more personal matters such as life review. I helped families and older adults to work through their worries and fears. I also did bereavement assessments and attended meetings on patients.
Student #2: I provided supportive counseling, bereavement counseling and end-of-life planning for patients and their families who elected hospice care. The majority of clients were elders at the end of life as well as their (often elderly) children and caregivers. I also co-led a monthly, open bereavement group primarily attended by women aged 60+. As part of the Fellowship in Aging, I provided in-services to hospice volunteers, hospice staff, nursing students and local nursing home staff about therapeutic touch for hospice patients.
Location: North Brunswick, NJ
When practicum completed:Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2012-Spring 2013, 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work)
Student #1:I worked with older adults with chronic mental illness in a PHP/IOP outpatient treatment facility. Conducted group therapy and psychoeducation groups. Wrote treatment plans/case notes, served on the treatment team, conducted psychosocial assessments. Developed specific curriculum for psychoeducation groups aimed at older adults.
Student #2:I facilitated psychotherapy and psycho-educational groups to attend to the needs that my patients required. I provided coping skills to geriatric patients struggling with loss, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, manic behaviors and social anxieties. Along with these responsibilities I developed treatment plans to correspond with the areas these individuals are struggling with and worked with patients in an individual setting as needed. Part of my field placement was not only to work with the patient but to work with the patients’ support network. This allowed me to provide appropriate and convenient settings for aftercare for the patient when reviewing their discharge plan. Also I gained the experience of learning about different organizations that provide support to not only the patient but the patients caregiver, such as the organization COPSA.
Location: Old Bridge, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Nonprofit and Public Management)
I worked with the social worker in placing elder patients in skilled nursing facilities if they needed further rehab. I also made referrals for visiting nurse services if patients decided to return home instead of sub acute rehab. Making referrals for Meals on Wheels was another task I completed with the participation of the patients themselves. All in all, safe discharge planning was the key responsibility, making sure the patients were discharged with appropriate services in the community or other rehab centers.
Location: New Brunswick, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2011-Spring 2012; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2012-Spring 2013; Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2013-Spring 2014, 2014-2015 (Clinical Social Work)
Student #1: I was responsible for the discharge planning of older adults. Discharge planning included sub acute and acute rehab, inpatient psychiatric treatment, and substance abuse treatment. I worked with the patients, their family members, and their caregivers in order to educate them about rehab (and other placements) as well as to provide brief counseling and crisis intervention as needed.
Student #2: My main responsibility was discharge planning on a geriatric floor which included sub-acute rehabs, long-term care placements, psychiatric placements, obtaining outpatient hemo-dialysis slot, coordination of care, etc.
Student #3: As a social work student, I worked with the case management department on discharge planning. I met with patients and their families to develop safe discharge plans which may have included nursing home or subacute rehab placement or information about connecting with ADRC. The unit that I worked on in the hospital had a special emphasis on geriatric care. The majority of my clients were elderly patients and their caregivers.
Student #4: On 4 West at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, the focal client populations are elders with chronic illnesses and their families. I primarily assisted 4 West patient's and family members with discharge planning and supportive counseling. I was also able to address end of life issues when applicable.
Student#5: The Cancer Hospital at RWJUH is primarily adults 60+. I work with these individuals and their families by giving emotional support and links to resources, whether it be financial or home care. When patients prepare for discharge, I arrange placement to rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, or inpatient hospice care.
Student #6: The focal client population at my field placement at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital was patients who ranged in age from 22-102. On a daily basis, I worked with the elderly patients who required assistance when medically cleared for discharge. This type of assistance included subacute rehab referrals, insurance concerns, hospice or palliative care referrals, psychosocials for patients on dialysis or who suffered a stroke, housing resources, adult day care, home health aides, and much more. On a daily basis I saw about ten to twenty patients.
Student #7: I conducted individual psycho-social evaluations and discharge planning and case management. I worked as part of an interdisciplinary team collaborating and interacted with doctors and nurses and other hospital staff. I provided a support system for the client, connected clients to resources and agencies in the community, and worked with patients’ families as part of the discharge planning process.
Location: Monroe, NJ
When practicum completed:Second year (Clinical Social Work) Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Student #1: Helped do reflective listening with seniors, helped run a memory skills group, helped with activities, did some paperwork for the social worker. I also sat in on a caregiver's support group once a month.
Student #2: Intake admission, chart creation, referral to outside services, grant writing, support group facilitation, running group activities, working with families, and long-term care planning.
Location: New Brunswick, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Summer 2011-Spring 2012
Conducted biopsychosocial assessments of elderly patients with post-hospital care needs. Arranged discharge planning, made referrals to sub-acute and long-term care facilities. Met with patients and families to discuss safety plans after discharge. Provided supportive counseling and resources for older adults.
Location: Monroe Township, NJ
When practicum completed:2014-2015, by Clinical Social Work student
I did a combination of some clinical work, but mainly case management with families of the elderly and the elderly individuals. This work included working through and discussing the difficulty of having dementia and Alzheimer's disease with the clients and their families. I also assessed Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) to determine clients’ needs. I provided brief supportive counseling and helped clients with strategic planning.
Location: Long Beach, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
I was responsible for providing therapy to individuals, couples and families. Clients included the elderly, individuals dealing with difficult medical diagnoses, grief, and caregiving. In addition, I co-facilitated a group of seniors affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Location: Tinton Falls, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Work Study student
My tasks included the following: updating clinical notes in VISION; maintaining caseload through weekly resident visits; assisting Social Work Manager in group sessions; distributing and communicating important information to residents; observing pre-residency interviews and independent living scales; and implementing and identifying areas of growth for agency.
Location: Matawan, NJ
When practicum completed: 2014-2015, by Clinical Work Study student
The focal population was adults with mental health diagnosis and/or substance use. Tasks included: Co-facilitate psychoeducation and psychotherapy groups. Assist with intake assessments, developing a treatment plan, meeting individually with a client, meeting with a client and their family or loved one. Develop a handbook for IOP and PHP clients. Develop a brochure for all services. Outreach to other facilities/hospitals/private practices. Call insurances for authorizations and eligibility.
Location: Lyons, NJ
When practicum completed: 2013-2015, by MAP Student
I provided support to aging veterans who resided in either the nursing home and/or domiciliary unit located at Lyons Veteran Hospital. I completed grant and funding efforts to support non-profit agency within VA, completed discharge planning, facilitated support group for aging veterans and family, and provided vocational counseling for select veterans. Target population ranged from 65 to 94 years of age.
Location: North Brunswick, NJ
When practicum completed: Second year (Clinical Social Work), June 2013 - April 2014
The focal group I worked with was elders at end of life and their family. I conducted home visits to elderly hospice patients and provided supportive counseling to them as well as their family caregivers. I followed up with patient's families for bereavement visits and co-facilitated a spousal bereavement support group. I became familiar with the community resources in Middlesex County for the aging and referred adults to programs such as meals on wheels, dial-a-ride, PAAD and caregiver support groups.