Writing Resources
Success in graduate school and within the larger profession of social work depends on strong writing skills. Several resources are available to help students strengthen their professional and academic writing skills. Writing assistance is available to all MSW students as described below.
Writing Centers
- New Brunswick campus | All MSW SSW students (NB, Camden, Newark, IW, online and blended) are eligible to access writing assistance at the New Brunswick Learning Center. Online tutoring may also be available. Contact the writing center here.
- Newark campus | The Newark writing center is available for MSW students on the Newark campus by appointment here.
- Camden campus | The Camden learning center provides writing assistance for MSW students on the Camden campus. Learn more here.
Online Resources
APA Style
Additional writing resources
MSW Program Specific Resources
Traditional Program: Newark Students | The Writing Center in Newark is offering coaching sessions. To make an appointment, students need to email marneb@newark.rutgers.edu.
Traditional Program: Camden and New Brunswick
- Students Rutgers Learning Center writing assistance is available at the New Brunswick Learning Center for both Camden and New Brunswick students.
- The Graduate Writing Program serves graduate students across the Rutgers community. The GWP’s mission is to support graduate students of all disciplines in their current and future writing goals, from coursework papers to scholarly articles and dissertations. Students receive extensive individual attention from highly qualified, full-time English Department faculty members.
Courses typically consist of eight class meetings and two one-on-one conferences. While GWP courses appear on students’ transcripts, they are free, carry zero credits and are graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory; satisfactory performance is largely determined by attendance and engagement. Graduate students of all levels are welcome. In addition to offering courses, the GWP hosts a range of workshops and events, such as writing “boot camps” and guest lectures. Register for availabile courses here.
Blended Program Students | Blended students have access to campus resources.
100% Fully Online MSW Program Students | Fully online degree program students can access Smarthinking by viewing all your courses in Canvas and selecting “Online Tutoring and Writing Support” course.
Intensive Weekend Program Students | Intensive Weekend students have access to campus resources. The IW program has created a Writing for Social Worker’s Self-Study for incoming students which is available throughout their studies.