Simone Snyder

In her current role, Simone serves as the project coordinator for the “Enhancing Victim Services Throughout Rutgers University” project. She also serves as a part-time lecturer at the Rutgers School of Social Work. Additionally, Simone works directly with families through her role as a doula and midwifery assistant. It is her experiences with pregnant and laboring people that solidified her interest in the field of violence prevention and response and continues to fuel her interest in researching obstetric violence and respectful maternal care. Her most recent research interests include food justice and access to green spaces as tools for violence prevention and community resilience. Simone received her MSW with a Certificate in Violence Against Women and Children from Rutgers and received her BA in Anthropology and Gender Studies from New York University. She is scheduled to begin the DSW program in the fall. Simone was also recently selected by UN Women to serve as an Ending Violence Against Women Expert.
“Understanding the Intersections of Sexual Violence and Reproductive Justice.” National Sexual Violence Resource Center Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, August 2023
- Snyder, S. (2024). Getting to the root: Bridging the micro-macro divide using the critical transformative potential development framework. Abolitionist Perspectives in Social Work, 1(2), 1-13.
- Snyder, S., Burnham, J., DeCristofano, A., Ast, R., McMahon, S., Padovano, K. (2023). A Social Justice Approach to Bystander Intervention: Rethinking Violence Prevention Programming. Sexual Assault Report. Civic Research Institute.
- McMahon, S., Cusano, J., Buttner, C., Snyder, S., Ast, R. S., & Camerer, K. (2022). Evaluating efforts to address campus sexual violence: developing a data ecosystem.Journal of interpersonal violence.
- O'Connor, J., Nikolova, K., Cardenas, I., & Snyder, S. (2022). The Mediating Effect of Traditional Gender Beliefs on the Relationship between Gender Disparities and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-18.
- Bennett, E. R., Snyder, S., Cusano, J., McMahon, S., Zijdel, M., Camerer, K., & Howley, C. (2021). Supporting survivors of campus dating and sexual violence during COVID-19: A social work perspective. Social Work in Health Care, 60(1), 106-116.
- McMahon, S., Steiner, J., Snyder, S., & Banyard, V. L. (2021). Comprehensive prevention of campus sexual violence: Expanding who is invited to the table. Trauma,Violence, & Abuse, 22(4), 843-855.
- Snyder, S. ( 2011). Active interference. Midwifery Today, (100) 20-22.
- Snyder, S. (2010). A breech in the system: a film by Karen Ecker. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 25 (2), 18.
- Snyder, S. (2010). My water birth. Midwifery Today, (96) 30-30.