AJ Fresco

AJ Fresco (they/them) is a Licensed Social Worker in the state of New Jersey. They earned Bachelor's degrees in Psychology and English Literature at Binghamton University, and they are a graduate of the Rutgers - New Brunswick MSW program, where they completed the certificate program in Child and Adolescent Well-Being, and an Area of Emphasis in Gender and Sexuality. AJ is a certified school social worker, and a former high school teacher. Currently, AJ is pursuing their passion for uplifting LGBTQ+ youth at HiTOPS, a nonprofit organization, where they run several support groups for queer and transgender youth and their families, provide affirming mental health care and referrals, and create a welcoming and supportive environment for youth of all identities.
AJ is SIFI certified and loves supervising several MSW interns each year. Previously, AJ has also worked in reentry to assist individuals with involvement in the criminal justice system, underserved minority youth populations, and provided clinical care through individual and couples therapy. In their free time, AJ loves to read, write, cook, hike, and play with their dog, Blueberry Muffin. By earning their DSW, AJ hopes to continue to increase the conversation around the importance of affirming and supportive care for LGBTQ+ people.