Jeremy Brinsdon

Jeremy Brinsdon, LSW is a Licensed Social Worker in New Jersey. He completed his MSW at Hunter College, where his education centered on clinical practice with a focus on health and mental health. He has attended post-graduate studies at New York University, with certifications in Clinical Approaches to the Addictions, Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Trauma-Informed Clinical Practice. Jeremy has developed a range of wellness programming in underserved communities, specifically at alternative high schools and community centers in San Francisco. Currently, he works as a substance use counselor in New York City at Housing Works, where he is part of the mission to end homelessness and AIDS. Working with diverse community members impacted by complex trauma and substance use, Jeremy’s approach to social work practice includes a mix of harm reduction intervention, motivational interviewing, integrated care coordination, and seeking safety therapy. He works to empower others to build on strengths and interpersonal health, cultivating safety and stability in recovery.