Dr. Paul Shane Annual Policy Symposium - 2023
Dr. Paul Shane Annual Policy Symposium: Be the Change: Challenging Oppressive Systems
On Friday February 24, 2023, Seaton Hall University hosted the Dr. Paul Shane Annual Policy Symposium: Be the Change: Challenging Oppressive Systems. Programming included:
Keynote | by Chris Pernell, MD, MPH, FACPM Dr. Pernell is a fellow and Regent-at-Large for the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) and Clinical Assistant Professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. As a physician leader and social change agent, Dr. Pernell focuses on health justice, community-based advocacy, and population-wide health promotion and disease prevention.
Presentation | by Audrey Redding-Raines, PhD Racial Micro-Aggressions Dr. Redding-Raines is an Assistant Teaching Professor and Undergraduate Student Coordinator in the Department of Social Work at Rutgers University-Newark. Dr. Redding-Raines is a culturally-responsive researcher who looks at racial micro aggressions and colorism in intraracial therapeutic counseling relationships.
Call to Action | by Anthony Estreet, PhD, LCSW-C, LCADC The Time is Right For Social Work, But Is Social Work Ready for the Time? Dr. Estreet, former professor and chair of the Master of Social Work Program at Morgan State University, is the new CEO of NASW. Dr. Estreet is also founder and CEO of Next Step Treatment Center in Baltimore. Dr. Estreet has led the development and expansion of the first MSW program in the United States to focus on substance use disorders, and also at an HBCU.

Rutgers Student Presentations
HB 1177: Creating a MMIWG2S Cold Case Investigations Unit
Washington State, 68th Legislature
H.R. 7585: Health Equity and Accountability Act of 2022
117th Congress (2021-2022)