Nicole Terry

Nicole Terry is a Licensed Social Worker in New Jersey. She received her MSW, with honors, from Seton Hall University. Her clinical experience encompasses both inpatient, partial hospitalization, and outpatient care. Nicole’s experience spans from engaging with populations from clients struggling with addictions to high-risk acuity. Presently she divides her time between outpatient private practice as well as a partial hospital health care system.
Nicole has an ontological approach to understanding the nature of being especially in the context of social work. She delves deeply into the philosophical realms of existence, seeking to understand the intrinsic nature of individuals, their interrelations, and the broader societal context. This depth of thinking coupled with her clinical acumen has not only endowed her with unique perspectives but also enables her to approach her clinical work with profound empathy and a nuanced understanding. She possesses an uncanny ability to promote an environment of trust, encouraging her clients to openly discuss and address challenges or barriers affecting their mental health and wellbeing. By leveraging her ontological insights, she ensures that her interventions are not superficial remedies but grounded in a deep understanding of the individual’s intrinsic nature and societal context. This integrated approach has consistently yielded transformative results for her clients, reaffirming the depth and efficacy of her methods.