Tempestt Williams

Tempestt Williams is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in New Jersey and Virginia. Tempestt earned her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology from Denison University, and her Masters in Social Work from Rutgers University. Tempestt specialized in substance abuse treatment while at Rutgers and continued in the path after graduation. She’s worked in the field for five years helping individuals who struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, and issues related to addiction, and relationships. She is currently the Program Director of a Methadone clinic, as well as a private therapist for individuals in New Jersey and Virginia. Her professional interests include, adequate care provided to individuals who have substance use disorders, and therapy in the Black community. By acquiring a DSW Tempestt hopes to expand the knowledge and effectiveness of therapy for individuals in need. Tempestt is excited to join the Rutgers DSW Class of 2024.
Multimedia Project Summary
Research has shown that while Black/African American individuals experience higher levels of psychological distress than their White counterparts, they are accessing mental health treatment at drastically lower rates. This presentation will discuss the barriers that Black individuals face when seeking and while engaged in treatment, the challenges counselors have discussing matters of race, culture, and ethnicity in treatment, and treatment modalities that consider race, culture, and ethnicity.