Jerry Floersch
Ph.D., Chicago

Jerry Floersch, Associate Professor, Rutgers University School of Social Work, is a 1998 graduate of the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. After earning the masters degree in social work from the University of Kansas, he worked as a social worker in drug and alcohol, hospital, mental health, and community settings. He administered a mental health crisis service and played a key role in developing and implementing housing policies and programs for the adult severely mentally ill. He is the author of Meds, Money, and Manners: The Case Management of Severe Mental Illness, published by Columbia University Press (2002), where, utilizing ethnographic and socio-historical methods, he examined the rise of community support services, the rise of the case manager and case management, and the limits of management models in providing services. He is a NIMH K08 recipient (2004-2009) for training in and development of qualitative methods to study youth subjective experience of psychotropic treatment. His work on psychotropic treatment focuses on the meanings adolescents and young adults make of their medication treatment, including social and psychological 'side effects.' With Jeffrey Longhofer and Paul Kubek, his work, On Having and Being a Case Manager, explores a clinical method for case management practice. He has written extensively on qualitative research methods, including a co-authored book with Oxford University Press: Qualitative Methods for Practice. From 2010 to 2017 he was the director of the DSW program at Rutgers where he assisted in developing a novel case study method for clinical training.
Selected Recent Publications:
Longhofer, J., Floersch, J., & Hoy, J. (2013) Qualitative methods for practice: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Longhofer, J., Kubek, P., Floersch, J. (2010). On being and having a case manager: A relational approach to recovery in mental health. New York: Columbia University Press.
Floersch, J. (2002). Meds, money,and manners: The case management of severe mental illness. New York: Columbia University Press.
Books (Edited Volumes)
Jaffe, M., Floersch, J., Longhofer, J., & Conti, M. (2018). The Social Work and Sexual Trauma Casebook: Phenomenological Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Jaffe, M., Floersch, J., Longhofer, J., Winograd, W. (2017) The social work and K-12 Schools Casebook: Phenomenological Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Munson, M.R., Narendorf, S.C., Ben-David, S., Cole, A., & Floersch, J. (2018). Integrated, overwhelmed, and distanced: Narratives of mental health among young adults with prior public system involvement. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research. Published online first,
Kranke, D., Dobalian, A., & Floersch, J. (2018). Identifying aspects of sameness to promote veteran reintegration with civilians: Evidence and implications for military social work. Health and Social Work.
Narendorf, S.C., Munson, M. R., & Floersch, J. (2015). Perspectives on psychotropic medication treatment among young adults formerly served in public systems of care: A thematic and narrative analysis. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, Spring, 6, (1), 121-143. [open access,].
Longhofer, J. & Floersch, J. (2014). Values in a Science of Social Work: Values-Informed Research and Research-Informed Values. Research on Social Work Practice, 24(5), 527-53.
Kranke, D., Floersch, J., Jackson, S., Townsend, L., & Anderson-Fye, E. (2013). I feel like it improves everything: Empowering experiences of college students utilizing psychiatric treatment. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 16, (3), 213-231.
Kranke, D., Jackson, S. E., Floersch, J., and Anderson-Fye, E. P. (2013). What are college students saying about psychiatric medication? Health, 5(3a), 595-602. [open access, doi:10:4236/health.2013.53A079].
Longhofer, J. & Floersch J. (2012). The coming crisis in social work: Some thoughts on social work and science. Research on Social Work Practice, 22, 499-519.
Kranke, D., Guada, J., Kranke, B., & Floersch, J. (2012) What do African American youth with a mental illness think about help-seeking and psychiatric medication?: Origins of stigmatizing attitudes. Social Work in Mental Health, 10(1): 53-71.
Anderson-Fye, E., & Floersch, J. (2011). I’m not your typical ‘homework stresses me out’ kind of girl”: College student experience of psychiatric medication and college mental health services. Ethos. 39(4), 501-524.
Kranke, D., Floersch, J., Kranke, B., & Munson, M. (2011). A qualitative investigation of self-stigma among adolescents taking psychiatric medication. Psychiatric Services, 62(8), 893-899.
Longhofer, J., Floersch, J. & Okpych, N. (2011). Foster youth and psychotropic treatment: Where next? Children and Youth Services Review, 33(2), 395-404.
Longhofer, J., & Floersch, J. (2010). Desire and disappointment: Adolescent psychotropic treatment and adherence. Anthropology & Medicine, 17(2), 159-172.
Floersch, J. Longhofer, J., Kranke, D., & Townsend, L. (2010). Integrating thematic, grounded theory, and narrative analysis: A case study of adolescent psychotropic treatment. Qualitative Social Work, 9 (3), 407-425.