Victoria Banyard
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Michigan, MA, Psychology, University of Michigan, BA, Brown University

Victoria Banyard has dedicated her academic career to finding better ways to help communities prevent and respond to interpersonal violence. Banyard – who received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (and a Certificate in Women's Studies) from the University of Michigan – has worked with colleagues across the U.S. and abroad to help shape policy at the national, state and local level through a rigorous examination of violence-prevention programs centered on a critical question: Do they work? Banyard uses multiple methods, both quantitative and qualitative, to understand how, where and why prevention strategies and programs succeed or not. Her research, begun more than 25 years ago, underscores the importance of listening well to survivors and empowering those in a position to help them – be they policy makers, social workers, or bystanders – with the best practices available. Originally from New Jersey, Vicki is excited to return to the Garden State and join the School of Social Work faculty. She is eager to meet new colleagues and students at Rutgers – to learn from them, and join in their important work.
Selected Recent Publications
Banyard, V., Moschella, E., Jouriles, E. & Grych, J. (accepted, Sept. 2019). Exploring Action Coils for Bystander Intervention: Modeling Bystander Consequences. Journal of American College Health.
Banyard, V., Edwards, E. & Rizzo, A. (2019). What would the neighbors do?: Measuring Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention Social Norms Among Youth and Adults. Journal of Community Psychology.
Banyard, V., Edwards, K., Rizzo, A., Theordores, M., Tardiff, R. & Greenberg, P. (2019). Evaluating a Gender Transformative Violence Prevention Program for Middle School Boys: A Pilot Study. Children and Youth Services Review: Special Issue on Social Innovations with youth.
Rothman, E., Edwards, K., Rizzo, A., Kearns, M. & Banyard, V. (2019). Perceptions of community norms and youths’ reactive and proactive dating and sexual violence bystander action. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Hamby, S., Banyard, V. & Grych, J. (2018). Resilience Portfolios and Poly-Strengths: Identifying Protective Factors Associated with Thriving After Adversity Psychology of Violence, 8, 172.