Ayse Akincigil
Ph.D., Rutgers University, Department of Economics

Dr. Akincigil is an economist, interested in reducing inequalities in health care quality through reforms in health care financing, delivery models, and system-level innovative programs. Her research relies on administrative data from public and private health insurances, enhanced with survey and ecological data. With the commitment of producing evidence to improve health care quality for the traditionally underserved segments of the population, she joined the faculty at Rutgers School of Social Work after her terminal degree. In addition, she is a faculty member at the School of Public Health, School of Pharmacy, and the Institute for Health - the leading population health institute within Rutgers. Typical of many methodologists, her research touched various populations and diseases. The common theme in these content areas was high societal impact. Presently, she is leading a research portfolio on Medicare financing/delivery policies on care quality and their downstream impact on disparities, mainly focusing on primary and preventive care.